April All Natural Day 6

April All Natural Day 6

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Ok, so I lied. I hoped that by posting the days like this I might be able to keep up with them a little better, but alas, I am a busy college student. I’ll still keep posting them like this though because it makes a bit more sense in my head :P. So anyway, day 6 wasn’t really anything super special other than me constantly flipping out about having such a great response to my vegan mayonnaise recipe. You guys rock. It wasn’t really an exciting day because I spend my Monday’s at school from 8am to 3pm when I have Social Ethics lecture, Earth Science lecture, and Chemistry lab. Yay learning.

For breakfast I had the usual banana oatmeal because I can’t stop eating it and I don’t intend to either. On Mondays my Earth Science lecture ends at 12:15 and my Chemistry lab starts at 12:15, so I usually end up popping a large sweet potato in the oven while I eat breakfast and taking that along with a couple of oranges to snarf down on my walk between classes. Once I got home I played in the backyard with Rory and made myself a fantastic chocolate, peanut butter, and banana milkshake and slurped it down too fast to get a picture.


For the record, he was actually able to carry that stick around the yard. He grabbed one end and went flying across the yard with the other end trailing along behind him. He’s nuts.


Dinner, however, was much more fun and exciting. Mainly because 1) it was pasta Monday and I love pasta and 2) because we had Cowboy Special from Somer McCowan’s upcoming book The Abundance Diet (which by the way is available for pre-order now on amazon, go go go).


I think the only thing I’m missing during this whole challenge is chocolate. I’m a bit of a chocoholic, so I can only go but so long without it. Yes, I did have a chocolate milkshake in the afternoon, but that doesn’t quite cut it, so I’m going on a mission to make something super simple and delicious and chocolatey, so stay tuned for more deliciousness.

This probably isn’t the most exciting post in the world, but like I said, I was in school all day. There is only so much that is actually interesting and exciting when sitting through various lectures and labs. Especially since we didn’t even get to play with fun chemicals in chemistry, what’s that all about?!?! So I shall leave you with a question: do you guys have anything you want to see posted during these April All Natural posts?

Remember if you play along with our April All Natural Challenge to tag your posts with #AprilAllNatural!
